Some autism actual cause but last some theories said genetic factor plays a vital role cause happened state autism in kids. Baby whose see the light of day revenue twin from single egg obtain possibility experience autistic disruption.
Apart from that influence virus afflicted by the mother while pregnant as rubella, toxo, herpes, non nutritive nutrition, bleeding, food poisoning, also influenced brain cell growth can cause baby brain function am being included disturbed especially in aspects of the function understanding, communication and interaction.
In fact currently, also identified deep cause happened autism is digestion result. More than 60% autism child have digestive system adverse. Food like milk based upon animal and wheat flour no can be digested nicely and this resulted protein from this food no metamorphosed into amino acid or peptone, is chain form which finally removed through urinate.
For autism child, this peptone absorb back by the body, enter bloodstream, on to the brain and are transformed into morphine is casomorfin and gliadrofin, fly in the ointment brain-cells and cause disturbed brain function. Disturbed brain function is involving cognitive function, receptive communication, attention and behavior.